By Mohammad Rafay Qadri
The University Debating and Literary CLUB (UDLC) of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) organized the 14th National Youth Parliament at the historic Strachey Hall (AMU) under the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs through its Scheme of National Youth Parliament Competition in Universities and Colleges throughout the country.
As many as 55 students participated in the event. They successfully tried to create a look of Parliament. The seating arrangement was made akin to that of the Lok Sabha House in the Parliament. On the right side of the Speaker, chairs for the ruling party were placed. Chairs for the Opposition parties were placed on the left side.

Students played the roles of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Prime Minister (PM), Leader of Opposition and Secretary General very well. Members of the 14th National Youth Parliament wore dresses of various states.
The house began with the Oath of Affirmation, where new members from various constituencies are inducted to the house. The proceedings of the house then continued, where both the Prime Minister (Mr Wajahat Munaf Jeelani) and the Leader Of Opposition (Kumail Haider) paid tribute to an eminent Indian Scientist, Prof. Yash Pal who passed away at Noida on 24 July 2017 at the age of 90. Prof. Yash Pal was also the recipient of country’s second highest civilian honour, the Padma Vibhushan.
The Question Hour witnessed a variety of questions, on Small Scale Industries (SMEs), education, law & justice, sports etc. Well, the house remained both hot and humid with the voices that surrounded the issues. In the Zero Hour, health & hygiene, disaster, employment and other lively issues were discussed witnessing the huge support shoulders from the opposition highlighting the voids in the government functioning. The Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, Women’s Reservation Bill [The Constitution (124th Amendment) Bill, 2017] were taken into account in the parliament, latter got full support of the majority and was easily passed. The house was adjourned with an Oath of Swachch Bharat, followed by a National Anthem.
Coordinator of the Programme, Dr Mohammad Mohibul Haque, highlighted the importance of Youth Parliament and said its aim was to strengthen the roots of democracy, inculcate healthy habits of discipline, tolerance of the views of others and to enable students to understand the working of Parliamentary institutions.

Parliamentary Judges Dr. Anupam Acharya, group-coordinator and Dr. Namita Singh, former Principal Tikaram College applauded the students for their hard work and zeal to make Youth Parliament a huge success. Six students from the Youth Parliament namely Shazia Imam, Wajahat Monaf Jeelani, Aasif Akhlaque, Mohd Umair Khan, Ahab Athar and Mohd Alam were awarded the prize of best speakers. They will be getting the prize shortly from the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India.
Professor FS Sheerani, coordinator CEC presented Momento to the respective judges of the Youth Parliament, Dr Anupam Acharya and Dr Namita Singh. Aasif Akhlaque, secretary, UDLC proposed the vote of thanks to all the participants and audience in the end.